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Status: Development
Capacity (MWac): 5
Capacity (MWdc): 6
Annual Production (GWh): 11.5
Off-taker: Puget Sound Energy
The Camas Project is a 5MWac photovoltaic power project, currently under development in Ellensburg, WA. Once operational, the project will supply power to Puget Sound Energy under a 15-year Power Purchase Agreement.
Initial development work began in mid-2016 and the project is expected to achieve commercial operation in 2019. The plant will use polycrystalline photovoltaic modules and single axis trackers to generate ~11.5 GWh per year, enough electricity to power ~1,100 homes.
The project is one of five projects being developed by Tuusso Energy in Ellensburg, WA.
Effective # of households served
Avoided Emissions/yr (Tons of Carbon)
Equivalent # of cars removed from road
TUUSSO Energy’s approach to development is focused on reducing cost and maximize long term revenue potential.
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